Thrive 2024-2025

This is a preview of the Thrive 2024-25 form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.


* indicates a required field.

Applicants: please note

Before completing this application form, you should have read the My Community Grants  guidelines.

Incomplete applications will not be considered.

This section of the application form is designed to help you, and us, understand if you are eligible for this grant. It's crucial that you complete these questions before any others to ensure you do not waste your time applying for an unsuitable grant.

If you have any questions, or want to discuss your application please call 9364 0666 or email

If you have a disability and find our application process inaccessible, please contact us for assistance or alternative application methods.

Confirmation of Eligibility

I confirm that the applicant ...

  • has read and understands the program guidelines 
  • is able to demonstrate alignment between their project and the aims of this program
  • is one of the following:
    • incorporated not for profit based in or providing a service to the City of Melville
    • unincorporated community group based in the City of Melville
  • is able to demonstrate financial viability 
  • does not owe any reports or money to the City of Melville as a result of previous funding or grants
  • has the appropriate type and level of insurance for the activities that are the subject of this grant
  • is not a government agency
  • has not already received a City of Melville Thrive grant this financial year.
Please select below: * Required
You must confirm that all statements above are true and correct.